Prudent and distinctive – developed by the partners

Using the Tell & Partner AG investment concept, we identify the client’s requirements, which are then reflected in the personalised portfolio. Our investment philosophy is based on the longstanding work experience of the four partners. As an independent company, we study the financial markets closely and are only accountable to our clients and ourselves.


Meticulous selection of investments – no conflict of interest
All four partners are an integral part of our investment concept and as such form the investment committee, which takes all strategic and tactical portfolio decisions. Investment decisions are one of our core skills, and are an asset to our company and our clients alike.


Wealth allocation by means of a risk dialogue
Asset allocation is based on a risk dialogue, which balances opportunities with potential hazards. We build the portfolio by applying the asset classes that best reflect your strategic focus. To keep pace with changes in the markets the investment strategy will be tactically adapted by means of accelerating or decelerating. Individual instruments must offer positive potential returns while also meeting a series of security criteria. Constant monitoring, adjustments and performance reviews are an integral part of the approach. Our license and code of conduct form the legal framework of our business.