Chief Investment Officer (CIO)

Born in 1966

+41 44 533 38 36


2014 to present

Tell & Partner AG - Founding partner

2001 bis 2014

Wegelin & Co. Privatbankiers (became Notenstein Private Bank Ltd. in 2012), Zurich, Established and managed portfolio management within private banking, Member of Investment Committee, established and managed the Investment Centre, Member of the Executive Board

2005 bis 2007

Trium – Global Executive MBA (extra occupational) (New York University, HEC Paris, LSE London)

1999 bis 2001

Credit Suisse First Boston, New York
Private Equity Division

1994 bis 1999

Credit Suisse, Zurich
Private Banking International

Corporate Centre and created a private equity fund for private banking

1995 bis 1997

University of Zurich 

Doctoral Program and PhD in Economics 

1987 bis 1994

Paul Scherrer Institut, Wurenlingen (accounting)

Zürcher Kantonalbank (payments)

Royal Trust Bank (portfolio management) – whilst studying at University 

1987 bis 1992

University of Zurich

Faculty for Economics, Master of Arts, MA

1983 bis 1987

Kantonsschule Baden
Business studies diploma